Monday, 23 February 2015

Prequels, Sequels and Reboots

Star Wars, Termintor, Star Trek

-Director (J.J Abrams)

-Genre (Sci-Fi)
-Iconic soundtrack
-All reboots 
-Targets male audience 


"a general title or concept used for creating or marketing a series of products, typically films or television shows."


"a story or film containing events which precede those of an existing work."


"a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one."


"restart or revive (a process or sequence, especially a series of films or television programmes); give fresh impetus to." Reimagining the original - new fans as well as old fans 

Hollywood films:
Recycling old films into new films. There running out of ideas. They have limited ideas that would be able to work.

Films have to make them like this because they can't take risk because of the Internet and us. 
Reason for why independent films are taking off so much.

1. Write a script for the disruption or revolution of Inception or Shutter Island. Must explore the MACRO of the film. 

Video Nasties Content

Technical -

  • Cinema attendance declined massively due to the rise of VHS
  • Video Nasties created diversity of films
Social - 
  • Moral Campaign against video nasties; Mary Whitehouse (NVLA), Margaret Thatcher, the media and the BBFC.
  • The above mentioned scapegoated the video nasties for immoral behaviour which led to a moral panic
  • Regulated videos to have age restrictions by BBFC
  • Government Censorship & Police Raids on VHS dealers
  • Video Nasties were niche films and really popular with teenagers due to controversy
  • Video Nasties were exploited to explain responsibility for moral decline in society
  • Video Nasties were made for distribution only via home-video
  • Censorship or individual judgement?
Political - 
  • Conservative government sought to protect
  • Moral Panic created by Media the term: 'video nasties'
  • Riots and civil unrest, unemployment and recession
  • Watching video nasties helps put it in context of narrative, the campaigners did not actually watch them
  • Video Recordings Act 1984, banned list 
Economic - 
  • Videos being distributed by cornershops, market traders and garages
  • The covers on the boxes often more grusome than the content
  • Video Nasties like Evil Dead, I Spit On Your Grave and Driller Killer were realistic because they were low budget